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In the mining industry there is a mineral extraction process called the "Floatation Process" which involves pumping air bubbles down a shaft in water mixed with acid and oil.


Minerals to small to mine by other means get themselves bound-up in the oily air bubbles and float to the surface. Those that are to heavy drop to the bottom of the shaft where they accumulate and are later pumped by machanical equipment.


The Mediterranean Diet too has a similar process necessary to flush out the heavier elements.


The Ph of the body varies from acid to alkaloid.


Davy Humphry (1778-1829); an English chemist, was the first to propose that hydrogen is present in all acids. Acids draw hydrogen ions. 


Heavier elements like metals are just loaded with hydrogen ions to spare.


The acid present in wine causes the hydrogen ions surrounding the heavier elements in the system to be drawn out and free for transport; instead of being bound up with the bodies alkaloid.


The hydrogen ions surrounding heavier elements want to do only one thing, they want to oxidize; together with the acid of the wine a typical Mediterranean Diet of Olive Oil works well in combination for transport.


Curiously, it actually takes SIX TIMES as much oxygen to metabolize Fats; and that, is ALL Fats, whether they are Saturated, Polyunsaturated, or a Mediterranean Diet containing Monounsaturated OLIVE Oil.


Monounsaturated fats only have one single hydrogen bond to its carbon atoms; while Saturated fat carbon atom chain each have two double hydrogen atom bonds.


With the added double bonded hydrogen the Saturated fats draw the bodies heavier elements tightly bonding in solid state during digestion whereas the liquid temperature emulsified Monounsaturated fats of Olive Oil circulate throughout the body carrying the metabolizing oxygen cycle of drawn hydrogen atoms from the heavier elements toward the available Monounsaturated fats which continually are in a much better position for being easily purged from the body.


The naturally occurring anti-oxidants in the wine slow down cellular use of oxygen in cells during digestion which otherwise compete probabilistically with the hydrogen within the heavier elements seeking to oxidize when attaching themselves to the available metabolizing fats.


The alcohol in the wine dilates the vascular system expediting the entire process of purging the body of hydrogen ions.


Think of it as a better means of transport.



A Mediterranean Diet

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