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Ageing and the impact of diseases are the primary cause for declines in our bloods T-Cells.


It is possible to clone T-Cells for an individual patient and simply intravenously inject those back into a patient to offset the effects of ageing and overwhelm pathogens.


Cancers, have been shown in animal studies to be caused by virus.


In my old Fifth Edition of Merck Veterinary Manual there is a formula for preparation of an injectable vaccine to provide immunization to rabbit herds for at least two forms of rabbit tumors.


The Merck Veterinary Manual formula is:


' To a 10% suspension of the malignant tissue in isotonic salt solution, 0.4% formaldehyde solution is added and allowed to stand at 41 degrees F, (5 degrees C), for one week. It than is cultured, and if bacteriologically sterile, inoculated subcut. Inoculations are in 0.5 ml quantities at (7) seven day intervals for (3) weeks.'


Curious that it takes an interval of three weeks to build up immunization.


Louis Pasteur's own discoveries when vaccinating for Rabies requiring similar intervals allowing the patients immune system to slowly build immunity.


Louis Pasteur also grew his virus in a genetically identical breed of rabbits.


Genetically, domesticated animals existed in England for centuries as small animal agriculture conducted for the most part in isolation resulting in strong interbred hybridization.


Tumor rabbits as the Merck Veterinary Manual notes, are usually NOT treated; however, the balance of the herd can be immunized with a complete success; noting that those pure bred rabbit herds are genetically pretty closely related.


The Merck Veterinary Manual also noted that it has been shown with rabbits that tumor cancers can be spread through insects like mosquitoes and ticks as well as close habitation contact.


Edward Jenner in 1796 cured Small Pox in entire populations via' inoculation of a similar disease of Cow Pox found in farm yard Cows.  Edward Jenner first noted that farmers working in close contact with cows appeared to not get Small Pox.


The Cow Pox shots worked well because of the similarity of diseases; though having a similar genetic primary formation, were yet dissimilar enough as to not pose a direct threat to the human populations.


The conclusion is obvious.


It is not the minuscule parts of Cancers genetic code which need be attacked; but rather, its the neutralized outer genetic husk; that which, forming the similar enough primary isolated genetic code carried by both the human and animal populations for use via' the inoculation which allows the human populations immune systems to recognize and defeat its own Cancer similarities which have not otherwise yet crossed from animal to human.


Making such a historically logical vector for cures of even Cancers.


In that fashion, it is not attacking the human Cancers directly which provides immunity (typically today only after the human  immune system has been crippled); as readily as attacking via' a similarity animal Cancer found in genetically similar stock which the human genetic system (even while itself infected with a similar human Cancer) will trigger Human immune response.


The mere fact that none of the Merck Veterinary Manual rabbits which had the Cancer were being vaccinated, should be ignored as meaningless; in that it was never tried, it also was never proven that the tumor rabbits too would NOT have recovered as in point-of-fact 100% of the close genetic populations of rabbits all did as stated.


That's a very strong response.


In 1796 Edward Jenner also arrived at his own vaccine for Small Pox from English dairy stock breed over centuries to be genetically similar in breed, as in the above instance of our rabbit example for isolation of the primary genetic similarities found in both the animal and human Cancers.


Perhaps a Human vaccine could be made by:

(1) Taking Human Stem Cells from the patient, culturing them in vitro.

(2) Taking the patients Cancer and preparing the dead Cancer Cells as per the Fifth Edition of the old Merck Veterinary Manual did for the Rabbits.

(3) Placing that into a culture together with the patients own Stem Cells.

(4) Taking the resultant culture of the Stem Cells exposed to the patients prepared dead Cancer Cells; and, injecting that, into the patient as vaccine.

(5) Repeating those inoculations in stronger and stronger dosages so as to alert and train the Human immune system to build immunity and respond.

(6) It being needed to expose the patients own or matched Stem Cells to the dead prepared Cancer for immunity; and, it being necessary for extended administration of inoculations to trigger a strong immune response.


Theoretically, it is possible too to form National type matched Stem Cell  banks by simply type matching blood donations for the two to three of the four genetic cell matches required for Stem Cell Donors today.


Providing for a vast inventory of stem cell donors Nationally.


Test matching would be as easy to do as the series of current tests performed routinely on Blood Donations; and, can easily be implemented by National Governments; creating National Stem Cell Donor Banks for a list of available donors.


There is an intertwined beauty in all of Nature; investigative science too should be historically logically based and simple in Design too.

Age & Cancer Cures

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